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Friday, November 6, 2009

Randomness Thursday

These are my 'too cool for school' red boots.
Loves them!
Meja has her eyes on you
Though not at the same time!

Bobo says 'what chu doing?'

Babies in jail...


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Too Cool for School boots. Now that is funny.
Loved the "Jail" shot. Thanks for sharing.

Chloe and Libby said...

Love the boots!!!! I have some too, but they aren't red.
The jail shot was great!
Chloe and Libby

Dexter said...

Nice random photos. Just scenes from a day. Always fun to see.


The Oceanside Animals said...

Prison break! I'll send you a Sawzall in a cake!

D.K. Wall said...

We can help with the prison break. We are pretty good at that.

Daisy Dog said...

Great red boots!! Love having you blogging again!!