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Friday, April 3, 2009

Hallo from Bobo

Well I haven't been on the computer in a long time. That mommy takes up all the computer all the time. She hogs it all. hahaha get it 'hogs it all'. What?

Anyway mommy hasn't been feeling good and it's STILL cold here so me and Meja have just been running around in the house. Mommy says we're crazy but it's just Meja what is crazy.

That is a picture of Meja coming after mommy called her for 'ever' as mommy says. Meja is very slow. She says there are lots of good smellies to smell and she must smell them all.

It did get to 60 yesterday and we took a short walk but mommy pooped out and we had to come home. Oh well a little bit is better that no bit. I crack myself up... What?

Have you heard the one about Snoop Dog? (is he a real dog because if so this joke sucks!)

Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella?

Fo drizzle.


Bobo out


The Oceanside Animals said...

Is drizzle like schnizzle? Or is that schnitzel? Mmmm, schnitzel ...

Anonymous said...

Hey that was a funny joke! Maybe you should do stand up or something. We hope your momma starts to feel better!

Anonymous said...

Fo drizzle... heh heh heh... wait I dont get it. Wuts an umbrela?

Yer pal Dozer

Lee said...

Is drizzle like schnizzle? Or is that schnitzel? Mmmm, schnitzel ...