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Friday, December 25, 2009


Mommy's been in and out of hospital for the last couple weeks and we weren't allowed computer access at the babysitters (We know!!! like we can't operate a computer! jeez)

But the good news is she's a lot better and home for Christmas!!! Yeah!!!

So here are some Christmas pictures from before when our Aunt Chris made us were these dumb thingies on our heads (Mango don't look please it's embaraskink)

Editor's (mommy) note:

From our family to yours we wish you a

V E R Y    M E R R Y    C H R I S T M A S  ! ! !

A N D     T H E     H A P P I E S T      A N D      H E A L T H I E S T     O F

N E W       Y E A R ' S ! ! !

and to all of you that have emailed and sent gifts (especially to the pups, I wasn't able to shop so your kindness was their Christmas) I love each and every one of you and you will never know how much your kindness and love means to me.  --  pam


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am so very much sorry to hear that your mom has been sick. I have missed you, butt thought you might just be busy with Christmas thingys.
I am sooo glad that your mom is home now and feeling better. That is the bestest Christmas Pressie the three of you could have gotten. I'm just sayin'.

Achieve1dream said...
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The Oceanside Animals said...

Sorry you haven't been feeling well, Pam. The pups look very cute with their headgear!

Moose said...

Sorry to hear mom has been sick but it is good she is feeling better and home with you all. I think you look adorable as deer though I suppose I understand the embarrassment! Still, Merry Christmas!

Raising Addie said...

Merry Chris-moose!

We are sorry to hear that you have been sick but we are soooo very happy that you were home for Christmas with the pups!

We love your pix!!

BIG hugs from all of us!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Dexter said...

Uh oh. Those pictures gave mom the bright idea that if she put our hats on during meal time we would be too distracted to notice. Thanks for nothing.

Your mom needs to get better. I mean it! Maybe I should send a bottle of mango suds.


Daisy Dog said...

Oh Dear we worry about your mom! Glad to hear she is home for the Holidays! Love the antlers :)

Sonic said...

We're so soo soooo happy that your momma got better and was home for Christmas.

She must've been cured by the Christmas cheer!
